jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

Camino la noche

Camino la noche

como quien descorre velos.

Solo para ver detrás

como se espesa la oscuridad.

Pero vibro con el solo hecho

de que me miren escondidas las ideas

Exhibo mi necesidad de conocer

impúdicamente ignorante.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Ray Bradbury, in his delightful collection of essays, Zen in the Art of Writing (i'll loan it to you if you want to read it), said his ideas were like cats. If you want to reach down and grab them, they run away.

If you sit comfortably en la espesa oscuridad, they sneak up behind you. He says that's when he turns and jumps on them.

I have a feeling that is when you stay still and let them nuzzle.